


德国汽车制造业大垄断组织之一,世界商用汽车跨国制造企业之一。 又译戴姆勒-奔驰汽车公司。公司总部设于斯图加特。 素以生产优质高价的梅赛德斯-奔驰轿车著称于世。


German automobiles manufacturing industry is one of the major monopoly organizations, one of the largest multinational manufacturers of commercial vehicles in the world. Daimler-Benz Motor Company. The company is headquartered in Stuttgart. Mercedes-Benz is famous for producing high-quality and high-priced cars in the world. Daimler Mercedes-Benz R&D office located in Beijing JiuXianQiao finished decoration in March 2018. The odor of carpet and the paint on supporting iron pillars were very strong. After careful and comprehensive treatment, the odor and paint taste were eliminated, and a third-party CMA agency was commissioned to test the results. All the test results were far below the national standards, so long-term cooperation was initially reached.
